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Installation Notes

Several people have had problems with Ant installations set up by Linux package managers. We recommend installing Ant manually.

Ant’s manual has detailed instructions on how to install Ant.

Make sure you don’t have any ant-related jars on your classpath already, or else the InterMine build will fail.

InterMine and Ant

The InterMine project uses Ant for compiling code, building data models and databases and for running the data loading/integration process. You shouldn’t ever have to write new Ant XML, but you will run lots of Ant targets we have already defined. These will usually compile some code, create databases or run particular Java code.

An example use is to create the tables and indexes for a new Mine in an empty PostgreSQL database. In the <mine>/dbmodel directory we would do:

$ ant build-db

Whenever you use ant you can add a -v flag to get verbose output. We recommend doing this as it will give you detailed stack straces if a command fails:

$ ant -v build-db

You can pass parameters from the command line using -Dparameter=value. For example, when integrating data you can pass in a particular source name:

$ ant -v -Dsource=malaria-gff

Ant and the InterMine build system will ensure that all prerequisite code is compiled, the model is created and will create all tables and indexes based on the model.

Common Ant targets

Target Purpose
clean-all clean this project and all dependencies
jar produce jar/war
generate create generated code
action do the action for this project, if any
javadoc build javadoc to build/javadoc


Target Purpose
default will produce a jar and run tests
test-all test all dependencies as well as this project

To run a single test class:

$ ant -Dtest.includes=org/intermine/ClassToTest.class


Target Purpose
build-db build the objectstore
run-iql-query run an IQL query directly in the console


Target Purpose
clean removes temporary directories
default forces rebuild of .war file
release-webapp deploy to tomcat
remove-webapp remove from tomcat
build-db-userprofile initialise/clear the userprofile database (loads default templates too)
load-default-templates load default-template-queries.xml to the superuser account
write-userprofile-xml exports user profile database xml file to build/userprofile.xml
read-userprofile-xml imports user profile database from build/userprofile.xml


Target Purpose
insert-data-unittest insert test data into database