Guide to Customising BlueGenes


Certain features of the BlueGenes app are controlled by parameters set in the file. These properties are also used in the current webapp user interface.

purpose parameters example
default examples for the ID resolver bag.example.identifiers bag.example.identifiers.protein=Q8T3M3,FBpp0081318,FTZ_DROME and bag.example.identifiers=CG9151, FBgn0000099 (one per type)
default separators list.upload.delimiters \n\t,
default regionsearch genomicRegionSearch.* H. sapiens (note: please do not use long format, e.g. Homo sapiens)
default query builder query services.defaults.query "{ \"from\": \"Gene\", \"select\": [ \"secondaryIdentifier\", \"symbol\", \"primaryIdentifier\", \"\" ], \"orderBy\": [ { \"path\": \"secondaryIdentifier\", \"direction\": \"ASC\" } ], \"where\": [ { \"path\": \"\", \"op\": \"=\", \"value\": \"Drosophila melanogaster\", \"code\": \"A\" } ] }"
default keyword search quickSearch.identifiers e.g. PPARG, Insulin, rs876498

Please see Features for details on these parameters.


BlueGenes uses the following parameters defined in the ~/.intermine/$ file.

purpose parameters example
location of JavaScript tools bluegenes.toolLocation /intermine/tools/node_modules/
base URL for requests to the InterMine instance webapp.baseurl
path appended to the base URL webapp.path flymine
name of your InterMine instance as it will be displayed in BlueGenes project.title BioTestMine

Please see Database and Web application for details on this property file.