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Ensembl Compara

Download data from BioMart

  1. []
  2. select database for primary organism, eg. Ensembl Genes
  3. select dataset for primary organism, eg. Drosophila melanogaster features (BDGP5.25)
  4. select FILTERS
  1. click on “FILTERS” on the left panel in BioMart (this will populate the main panel with filter options)
  3. check the checkbox next to Homolog filters
  4. select the organism of interest in the dropdown
  1. eg. Orthologous Caenorhabditis elegans Genes
  2. make sure that next to the dropdown, Only is checked
  1. select ATTRIBUTES
  1. check the Homologs radio button at the top of the center panel
  2. uncheck the Ensembl Transcript ID option, Ensembl Gene ID is now the only output
  3. click on ORTHOLOGS (Max select 6 orthologs): to open that section of the form
  4. select on the Gene ID for the organism of interest, eg. Drosophila Ensembl Gene ID
  1. Run query
  1. select the [Results] button at the top of the page
  2. create TSV file, check box next to Unique results only
  3. when prompted, save file as TAXONID1_TAXONID2

Add entry to project XML file

<source name="ensembl-compara" type="ensembl-compara">
  <property name="" location="/DATA/ensembl/compara"/>
  <property name="ensemblcompara.organisms" value="7227"/>
  <property name="ensemblcompara.homologues" value="6239"/>

Run build

Data file

Tab-delimited files should be named <TAXON ID>_<TAXON ID>, eg. 9606_10090 for a file with human genes and mouse orthologues.

Gene ID Homologue ID
ENSG00000253023 ENSMUSG00000088328
ENSG00000238364 ENSMUSG00000088728

Download script

When you have created your query, you can export the Perl script or XML so you can run the query automatically next time, eg:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Query>
<Query  virtualSchemaName = "default" formatter = "TSV" header = "0" uniqueRows = "0" count = "" datasetConfigVersion = "0.6" >

  <Dataset name = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl" interface = "default" >
    <Filter name = "with_dmelanogaster_homolog" excluded = "0"/>
    <Attribute name = "ensembl_gene_id" />
    <Attribute name = "drosophila_ensembl_gene" />