Gradle - FAQs ================ `Gradle `_ is InterMine's build tool. In InterMine 2.0 Gradle replaced ant. Please see :doc:`Upgrade instructions ` for details on how to migrate your system to use Gradle and :doc:`Gradle Quick Start ` for common Gradle commands. I got an error: "Caused by: EC parameters error" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InterMine 2.0 only works with Java 8+. Please update your Java version and that will fix this error. I got an error: "Caused by: no such provider: SunEC" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InterMine 2.0 only works with Java 8+. Please update your Java version and that will fix this error. I got an out of memory error! Help! ---------------------------------------------- Gradle gets its properties differently from ant. Instead of `ANT_OPTS`, set `GRADLE_OPTS`. Use the same values but also append `-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false` to prevent the use of Gradle daemons. I set `GRADLE_OPTS` properly and I still am getting an "out of memory" error message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Append `-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false` to prevent the use of Gradle daemons. I got ANOTHER error: "java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration cannot be cast to org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update your `GRADLE_OPTS` to disable deamons. `export GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false"` Error in log file when I deploy my webapp: "Caused by: Error writing request body to server" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try `./gradlew cargoRedeployRemote` instead of `./gradlew cargoDeployRemote` I tried to install my data source, but I got an exception saying it can't find a class. I know this class IS in my data model though! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update your source's additions file to include this class. Previously, all additions files listed in your project XML were merged into a single genomic_model.xml that was placed on your classpath. Now, instead, only the core data model and your additions file are merged into genomic_model.xml and placed in the JAR of the data source. Alternatively, you can set the `globalAdditionsFile` parameter to specify a single file that will be merged into each of your data sources. Look for this configuration in your mine's bio sources `build.gradle` file. Where is InterMine code on my server? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The InterMine JARs are here on your machine: .. code-block:: bash # gradle - remote repos ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.intermine/ # maven - local installs ~/.m2 You normally will be pulling the JARs down from the remote repository, unless you have installed the JARs locally yourself. Which JAR am I using? I have JARs in both of those directories. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an excerpt from the mine's `build.gradle` file the determines which JAR is being used: .. code-block:: guess repositories { mavenLocal() jcenter() maven { url "" } } Gradle will go through each of these repositories and use the best version it finds. Maven Local ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gradle first looks in `mavenLocal()` which is your `~/.m2/repository` directory. These are JARs you have installed locally. Remote Repositiories (JCenter and JFrog) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gradle then looks in the remote repositories (JCenter and Jfrog). `JCenter `_ is where our InterMine JARs are stored remotely. `JFrog `_ is where our InterMine SNAPSHOT JARs are currently. Gradle will use the JAR with the latest version. This is because we use the `2.0+` notation. The versions for the JARs are set in each project: .. code-block:: guess intermine/build.gradle plugin/build.gradle bio/build.gradle bio/sources/build.gradle bio/postprocess/build.gradle Currently this version is **2.1.1** Which dependency versions to use is set in the file for each project: .. code-block:: guess intermine/ plugin/ bio/ bio/sources/ bio/postprocess/ Currently set to **2.1+** You can overwrite this value and set these values in your mine's `` file. I want to make a change to InterMine. How do I install InterMine locally? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See :doc:`Local installation ` for how to install InterMine locally. I got a different error! Help! ---------------------------------------------- Please send a detailed stacktrace to the dev mailing list, or pop onto our discord -- Common issues: * Always use the wrapper provided. `./gradlew` and NOT `gradle`. * Using a `daemon`. Update your `GRADLE_OPTS` with the `no-daemon` flag. See :doc:`/support/troubleshooting-tips` for common error messages. .. index:: gradle, ant, maven