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Data Source Versions

InterMine JARs are versioned

The JAR for each InterMine source and postprocess is versioned. This version is set in the build.gradle for that source.

For example, the latest InterMine version is set in the build.gradle file for InterMine’s bio-sources. If the version is set to be 2.3.4 in that file, for example, the JARs on Maven will be available for that version, e.g. “bio-source-uniprot-2.3.4.jar”.

InterMine uses “semantic versioning”. See for details. For now, all InterMine JARs have the same version by default.

How do I specify which version JAR to generate for my own data sources?

To specify the version for your mine’s custom source, you would edit the version value in the build.gradle file in your /bio-sources directory. When you install your source, the JAR of the correct version will be created.

See FlyMine’s `build.gradle <`_ file.

How do I specify which version to use in my build?

To use a specific version, add a parameter to your project XML entry.

<source name="flyatlas" type="flyatlas" version="2.0.0">
  <property name="" location="/data/flyatlas"/>

You will get an error if it can’t find a JAR with this version. Note that this is a simple string comparison, e.g. “2.0” will NOT match with “2.0.0”.

If no version is provided, the default InterMine version is used. For InterMine’s bio sources, a global variable is set in the file in your mine.

# in your mine

These are global variables used by the build system. If you do not specify a version in your project XML for a source, the systemProp.bioVersion value is used by default.

See FlyMine’s ` <`_ file.