Building Javadoc ================= Package-specific Javadoc ------------------------ Dependency note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that package-specific Javadoc generation only works if you have successfully built the package first. If you haven't built it before, you're likely to get error messages about missing files. Building ~~~~~~~~~ To generate Javadoc at a package-specific level, change directory to the webapp directory of a given mine, and run `ant javadoc`. Assuming you're at the root of your intermine directory: .. code-block:: bash $ cd flymine/webapp $ ant javadoc Upon successful build, you'll be able to find the Javadoc under the `build/javadoc` folder. For the FlyMine example above, it'd be at `git/intermine/flymine/webapp/build/javadoc`. Generating Intermine-wide Javadoc ------------------------------------ If you just want to browse the docs, you can see the most recent version at If you'd like to generate it yourself, read on. Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~ The Javadoc depends on the database model under `bio/testall` being built first. To do this, from the intermine root directory: .. code-block:: bash $ cd bio/test-all/dbmodel $ ant clean-all $ ant build-db Building ~~~~~~~~ Once you've successfully run build-db above, you'll need to change to the `imbuild/javadoc` directory and generate the documentation: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ../../../imbuild/javadoc $ ant clean $ ant That's it! You'll be able to see the documentation under `intermine/imbuild/javadoc/build/javadoc`. Using Travis to auto-deploy Javadoc to GitHub Pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have your InterMine repo set up to automatically run tests using `Travis `_, you can deploy the documentation automatically whenever new code is checked into your `master` branch, using `Github Pages `_ as a host. Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to deploy, there must be an encrypted `$GH_TOKEN` set in `.travis.yml` to authenticate with Github. This is safe because of `the way Travis treats encrypted variables `_. This token needs to be generated by someone with access to the repo Generating a token ____________________ Go to the `Personal access tokens `_ section of Github, and create a now token with `repo` permissions only. If it's a public repo, then `public_repo` permissions will suffice. Name it something memorable, and copy it down somewhere safe when you are shown it, as you're only shown it the once. Encrypting the token ______________________ **Important: to ensure you don't inadvertently leak your token, granting someone else write-access to your repo, you must encrypt this token! Do *not* paste it into .travis.yml without encrypting it first!** To encrypt you Github token, you're need to install Travis CLI locally if you haven't already, then run .. code-block:: bash $ travis encrypt GH_TOKEN=put-your-very-secret-github-token-here This will output the encrypted variable into your console, looking something like: .. code-block:: yaml secure: long string of nonsense here Copy the entire output to your `.travis.yml` under the env global section. You should end up with a section like this. It's ok to have more than one secure environment variable. .. code-block:: bash env: global: - secure: that same long string of nonsense See `Travis's documentation on encrypting environment variables `_ for more information. Assuming the repo is already set up to be tested in Travis, this should be all you need to set up automatic deployments Configuring Travis to auto-deploy Javadoc from branches other than master _____________________________________________________________________________ If you wish to deploy javadoc from a different branch, perhaps a development / test branch, find this line in your `.travis.yml` .. code-block:: yaml after_success: - test $TRAVIS_BRANCH == "master" && bash config/travis/ Simply change the value of "master" to the branch you wish to use.