Diagnostic ============= Occasionally something may go wrong with your webapp - your webapp may fail to load in your browser, not reflect your most recent changes and so on. In our experience, following the steps listed here should fix ~99% of any problems you encounter. Restart Tomcat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Restarting Tomcat may fix your issue. If you find you have to restart Tomcat often, you may want to give Tomcat more memory. Also, if in a deadlock, Tomcat may not shutdown successfully. Be sure to check the Tomcat process really is gone before starting a new one. Verify MINE.properties file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `base-url` property must valid or else queries will not run properly. This file must live in the `.intermine` directory. Verify Tomcat config ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are using Tomcat 7, please make sure you have configured it correctly. See :doc:`/system-requirements/software/tomcat` Force recompile ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run this command in your `webapp` directory: .. code-block:: bash $ ant clean-all Verify `/build` is gone from your `webapp` directory. Re-release webapp ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash $ ant default remove-webapp release-webapp