Testmodel ========== Create a file called `testmodel.properties` * This file tells the testmodel application which databases to use. * You will need to change the properties to your own database server and database username/password. * Put it in `~/.intermine` with the following contents. .. code-block:: properties db.userprofile-test.datasource.serverName=localhost db.userprofile-test.datasource.databaseName=userprofile-testmodel db.userprofile-test.datasource.user=USERNAME db.userprofile-test.datasource.password=PASSWORD db.unittest.datasource.serverName=localhost db.unittest.datasource.databaseName=unittest db.unittest.datasource.user=USERNAME db.unittest.datasource.password=PASSWORD project.sitePrefix=http://www.flymine.org/flymine project.releaseVersion=test webapp.deploy.url=http://localhost:8080 webapp.baseurl=http://localhost:8080 webapp.path=intermine-test webapp.manager=TOMCAT_MANAGER webapp.password=TOMCAT_PASSWORD webapp.logdir=/var/log superuser.account=SUPERUSER_EMAIL project.rss=NEWS-FEED # You don't need to change these webapp.os.alias=os.unittest webapp.userprofile.os.alias=osw.userprofile-test project.standalone=true Manually create the databases needed by the testmodel application. Execute: .. code-block:: bash $ createdb unittest $ createdb userprofile-testmodel Initialise the two databases: .. code-block:: bash $ cd testmodel/dbmodel $ ant clean build-db $ ant insert-data-unittest $ cd ../webapp/main $ ant build-db-userprofile Build the testmodel web application and release to the running tomcat: .. code-block:: bash $ cd testmodel/webapp/main $ ant default release-webapp If you have previously released a webapp to `/intermine-test` you will need to remove it as well: .. code-block:: bash $ cd testmodel/webapp/main $ ant default remove-webapp release-webapp Browse to http://localhost:8080/intermine-test to view the web interface for the testmodel application. .. index:: test model