Chado ================================ We have developed an InterMine data source that can use a GMOD Chado database as a source for an InterMine warehouse. The eventual aim is to allow import of any Chado database with some configuration. This will provide a web environment to perform rapid, complex queries on Chado databases with minimal development effort. Converter ---------- The converter for this source is the `ChadoDBConverter` class. This class controls which `ChadoProcessors` are run. A `ChadoProcessor` class corresponds to a chado module. For example, the sequence module is processed by the `SequenceProcessor` and the stock module is processed by the `StockProcessor`. Chado tables -------------------- The `chado-db` source is able to integrate objects from a Chado database. Currently only tables from the `Chado sequence module` and `Chado stock modules` are read. These tables are queried from the chado database: `feature` used to create objects in the ObjectStore * The default configuration only supports features that have a Sequence Ontology type (eg. `gene`, `exon`, `chromosome`) * Each new feature in InterMine will be a sub-class of `SequenceFeature`. `featureloc` used to create `Location` objects to set `chromosomeLocation` reference in each `SequenceFeature` `feature_relationship` used to find `part_of` relationships between features * this information is used to create parent-child references and collections * examples include setting the `transcripts` collection in the `Exon` objects and the `gene` reference in the `Transcript` class. `dbxref` and `feature_dbxref` used to create `Synonym` objects for external identifiers of features * the `Synonym`s will be added to the `synonyms` collection of the relevant `SequenceFeature` `featureprop` used to set fields in features based on properties * an example from the FlyBase database: the `SequenceFeature.cytoLocation` field is set using the `cyto_range` feature_prop `synonym` and `feature_synonym` used to create extra `Synonym` objects for `chado` synonyms and to set fields in features * the `Synonym`s will be added to the `synonyms` collection of the relevant `SequenceFeature` `cvterm` and `feature_cvterm` used to set fields in features and to create synonyms based on CV terms `pub`, `feature_pub` and `db` used to set the `publications` collection in the new `SequenceFeature` objects. Additionally, the `StockProcessor` class reads the tables from the chado stock module, eg. stockcollection, stock, stock_genotype. Default configuration ---------------------- The default configuration of `ChadoDBConverter` is to query the `feature` table to only a limited list of types. The list can be changed by sub-classing the `ChadoDBConverter` class and overriding the `getFeatureList()` method. The `featureloc`, `feature_relationship` and `pub` tables will then be queried to create locations, parent-child relationships and publications (respectively). Converter configuration ---------------------------------------- Sub-classes can control how the Chado tables are used by overriding the `getConfig()` method and returning a configuration map. Source configuration --------------------- Example source configuration for reading from the ''C.elegans'' Chado database: .. code-block:: xml Sub-classing the converter ---------------------------------------- The processor classes can be sub-classed to allow organism or database specific configuration. To do that, create your class (perhaps in `bio/sources/chado-db/main/src/`) set the `processors` property in your source element. For example for reading the FlyBase Chado database there is a `FlyBaseProcessor` which can be configured like this: .. code-block:: xml ... ... Current uses -------------------- `FlyMine `_ uses the `chado-db` source for reading the ''Drosophila'' genomes from the FlyBase `chado` database. The `FlyBaseProcessor` sub-class is used for configuration and to handle FlyBase special cases. `modMine `_ for the modENCODE project uses `ChadoDBSource` for reading ''D. melanogaster'' from FlyBase and to read ''C. elegans'' data from the WormBase `chado` database. The `WormBaseProcessor` sub-class is used for configuration when reading from WormBase. Implementation notes for the chado-db source ------------------------------------------------------------ The `chado-db` source is implemented by the `ChadoDBConverter` class which runs the `ChadoProcessor`s that have been configured in the `project.xml`. The configuration looks like this: .. code-block:: xml ... ... `ChadoDBConverter`.process() will create an object for each `ChadoProcessor` in turn, then call `ChadoProcessor.process()`. Chado sequence module table processing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `ChadoSequenceProcessor` processes the sequence module from Chado. The `process()` method handles each table in turn by calling: `processFeatureTable()`, `processFeatureCVTermTable()` etc. Each table processing method calls a result set method, eg. `processFeatureTable()` calls `getFeatureTableResultSet()` and then processes each row. The returned `ResultSet` may not always include all rows from the Chado table. For example the `getFeatures()` method returns a sub-set of the possible feature types and that list is used to when querying the feature table. Generally each row is made into an appropriate object, eg. in `processFeatureTable()`, `feature` table rows correspond to `BioEntity` objects. Some rows of some tables are ignored (ie. not turned into objects) based on configuration. Reading the feature table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Handled by `ChadoSequenceProcessor.processFeatureTable()` For each feature it calls: `ChadoSequenceProcessor.makeFeatureData()`, which may be overridden by subclasses. If `makeFeatureData()` returns null (eg. because the sub-class does not need that feature) the row is discarded, otherwise processing of the feature continues. Based on the configuration, fields in the `BioEntity` are set using `feature.uniquename` and `` from Chado. If the `residues` column in the feature is set, create a `Sequence` object and add it to the new `BioEntity`. Reading the featureloc table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Handled by `ChadoSequenceProcessor.processLocationTable()`. This method gets passed a result set with start position, end position and information from the `featureloc` table. For each row from the result set it will: * store a `Location` object * set `chromosomeLocation` in the associated `SequenceFeature` * set the `chromosome` reference in the `SequenceFeature` if the `srcfeature` from the `featureloc` table is a chromosome feature Reading the feature_relationship table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Handled by `ChadoSequenceProcessor.processRelationTable()`. This method calls `getFeatureRelationshipResultSet()` to return the relations of interest. The relations will be used to create references and collections. The method will automatically attempt to find and set the appropriate references and collections for `part_of` relations. As an example, if there is a `part_of` relation in the table between `Gene` and `Transcript` and there `Gene.transcript` reference or a `Gene.transcripts` collection, it will be set. There are two modes of operation, controlled by the `subjectFirst` parameters. If true, order by the `subject_id` of the `feature_relationship` table so we get results like: ================ ============= =================== gene1_feature_id relation_type protein1_feature_id gene1_feature_id relation_type protein2_feature_id gene2_feature_id relation_type protein1_feature_id gene2_feature_id relation_type protein2_feature_id ================ ============= =================== (Assuming the unlikely case where two genes are related to two proteins) If `subjectFirst` is false we get results like: ================ ============= =================== gene1_feature_id relation_type protein1_feature_id gene2_feature_id relation_type protein1_feature_id gene1_feature_id relation_type protein2_feature_id gene2_feature_id relation_type protein2_feature_id ================ ============= =================== The first case is used when we need to set a collection in the gene, the second if we need to set a collection in proteins. Reading the cvterm table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Handled by `ChadoSequenceProcessor.processFeatureCVTermTable()` Using the default chado source ---------------------------------------- 1. Add the chado database to your file, eg: .. code-block:: properties db.flybase.datasource.class=org.postgresql.ds.PGPoolingDataSource db.flybase.datasource.dataSourceName=db.flybase db.flybase.datasource.serverName=SERVER_NAME db.flybase.datasource.databaseName=DATABASE_NAME db.flybase.datasource.user=USER_NAME db.flybase.datasource.password=SECRET_PASSWORD db.flybase.datasource.maxConnections=10 db.flybase.driver=org.postgresql.Driver db.flybase.platform=PostgreSQL The chado database has to be on the local network. 2. Add source to project XML file .. code-block:: xml 3. Run the build .. code-block:: bash $ cd MINE_NAME/integrate $ (cd ../dbmodel && ant build-db -v); ant -Dsource=chado-db -v See :doc:`/database/database-building/index` for more information on running builds. This will load the data using the default chado loader. If you want to load more data you will have to write a custom chado converter. FlyMine uses a FlyBase chado "processor" to parse interactions, etc. See ` `_ for an example. Tripal ---------- The Chado specific tables are not in the postgres default “public” schema of the database. Instead, Tripal puts it in a postgres schema named “chado". To workaround this, you would need to alter your Chado processor to run this query first, before running any SELECT statements: .. code-block:: sql ALTER DATABASE SET search_path TO chado, public Starting with **InterMine 1.8**, you can instead directly define the schema in the properties of the database in your properties file, like .. code-block:: properties db.your_source.datasource.schema=your_schema for example .. code-block:: properties db.tripaldbname.datasource.schema=chado .. index:: chado, FlyBase, WormBase