InterMine User Tracking

The following user activities are recorded during browsing of all mine webapps, to track the usage:

  • template query executions
  • query executions from the QueryBuilder
  • list creations by upload, operations (copy, union…) or from result tables
  • list executions
  • searches by keyword
  • user logins

The trackers, recording all tracks, are defined in the file under the property webapp.trackers.

All tracks are saved into specific tables, created automatically, if they don’t already exist, in the userprofile database.

The tables are:

  • templatetrack
  • querytrack
  • listtrack
  • searchtrack
  • logintrack

The table are created at the startup of the webapp.

If some table definitions needed to be updated, the browsing of the webapp is blocked, and a warning message is displayed.

Run the ant task update-templatetrack-table in the webapp directory and then restart the webapp.

Usage page in the webapp

You can access to the Usage page, via the MyMine page, only if you are a superuser.

The page shows all tracks grouped in these sections: Template usage, Custom queries executed, Logins, Keyword Searches, List Analysis page views and List Creation.

Each section contains:

  • a diagram showing the trend of that specific track during the time range selected: 1d, 5d, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y. The diagrams point out the number of tracks per day (number of template query execution, number the query execution….) without specify wich template or type query(Gene, Protein…) has been executed.
  • a table showing the number of tracks for each template, type of query, type of list….

Furthemore, in the ‘’Template usage’’ section, there is a pie diagram showing the first 9 most popular templates and their number of executions in the time range selected: last 2 weeks, last month, last 3 months, last year.

Under the label ‘Other’ the number of executions of templates from 10th to 15th position.